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Linking to SDCC Library e-Resources *NEW SERVER*

How to create links to SDCC Library e-resources that you can paste into Canvas, emails, web sites and more!

Persistent Linking Instructions for Flipster Magazine Articles

Follow these steps to create persistent links to materials in the Flipster Magazine database:

Flipster is a magazine database that provides the reader a digital image format similar to flipping through a physical magazine. Unfortunately, the format does not yet allow for article linking directly from Flipster. Instead, the workaround is to do the following:

Start at the A-Z Databases page:

  1. Go to the Flipster Magazine database.
  2. Find an article you like and copy the title.
  3. Go to the EBSCO Multi-Database search link found in the A-Z List.
  4. Search for the title of the article (paste it in and put quotation marks around it for exact match).
  5. Once you've found the article in an EBSCO database, you will use that permalink in your Canvas course. Follow the directions for linking from EBSCO. Students will have the option to see the article in various formats (usually HTML, PDF, and Flipster). 

Example Screenshot: 

**As of December 18, 2023, the link text in this screenshot is outdated. Be sure to replace with for the new proxy server.**

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