Behavior | Collection Management | Community Users | Computer Use | District AP 5040 Compliance Guidelines | Donations | Exhibits & Displays | General Guidelines | Remote (Off-Campus) Access | Wireless Use | Related Resources
Respect your classmates! Keep noise and distractions to a minimum.
Introduction from the Library Collection Management Guidelines document:
The San Diego City College Library provides access to resources and services that support the academic success of City College students. Material formats include books, periodicals, electronic resources (e-resources) and media resources. While the curriculum is the foremost component in the collection development criteria, the library recognizes that close collaboration with the faculty is required to maintain the most relevant collection possible. All collection development decisions, including acceptance of gifts and withdrawal of materials, are the responsibility of the librarians. Suggestions from students, staff and faculty are strongly encouraged. These guidelines support the mission of the library and the college by providing guidelines for collection development and maintenance.
See below for the full text of the document.
Community Users Guidelines
Community patrons are permitted to use campus facilities for study purposes. The campus—including the Learning Resource Center—is available for quiet study and academic activities. Community users have access to on-site, non-electronic resources such as books and paper periodicals. Staff is available to assist with any inquiries during your visit.
Volunteer/Visitor Conduct Expectations
All visitors and volunteers are required to comply with the policies and procedures of the San Diego Community College District, as well as all applicable federal, state, and local laws. These guidelines apply to every area of the campus, including instructional spaces (e.g., classrooms and the Learning Resource Center), service areas, and other District-controlled facilities. To review the complete list of expectations and details regarding prohibited conduct, please refer to the full policy.
For additional information, please visit:
San Diego Community College District Policies
The most important reason the following policy is in place is to ensure that students have a place to do their academic work. Non-compliance may result in privileges being revoked.
These guidelines are based on policies listed in the City College Catalog (2011-2012, p. 39) and on SDCCD Board Policies 6100 (Web Policy) and 0530-2.3 (Use of District Equipment).
The San Diego City College Library greatly appreciates donations of books that supplement our collection development goals. Our collection management goal is to support student learning by providing academic resources and services. Your donation will help us do that. See below for further information. If you have questions, please contact the Library at
What books are needed:
What you should do:
What (else) you should know:
San Diego City College Library welcomes the students, faculty, and staff of San Diego City College to use the various display and exhibit areas in the Library. Space is provided for displays and exhibits of an educational, cultural, civic, charitable or recreational nature. The Library especially encourages exhibition of materials produced by students and faculty, and materials celebrating diverse cultures.
To set up a display/exhibit, you will need to fill out the Exhibit Guidelines and Agreement form below.
Access to Library Resources from Off-Campus Locations
How the login system works:
When you click on a link for a database article, video, or e-book...
Common issues:
San Diego City College campus wifi is part of the SDCCD Campus Connect wireless network. Access details are provided here.
San Diego City College's Library faculty uphold the American Library Association's (ALA) Code of Ethics and the interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights set forth by ALA for Academic Libraries. In all activities, we seek out and strive to apply current best practices relevant to the services and the selection of, acquisition of, and access to, the resources we provide San Diego City College students, staff and faculty.
In compliance with District Administrative Policy (AP) 5040, the San Diego City College Library has developed these guidelines for its services and collections:
San Diego City College Library faculty provide equal access to reference services to all members of the City College campus. All reference interactions, as are all circulating interactions, are held in confidence.
Technical Services provides access to information by acquiring and cataloging books, controlling periodical check-in and maintaining electronic access with no filtering among other things. These functions are guided by American Library Association ethics which insist on equal access to information.