Library Computers (Entrance Level): 70 desktop workstations for use by currently-enrolled students
Got your own device? Find out how to get on the SDCCD Campus Connect wifi network. (Students, employees, and guest access)
The Library has 70 desktop computers on its main floor for use by currently-enrolled students. These desktop computers have internet access and the following software available:
The Library also has desktop computers with adaptive software for students with disabilities. These desktop computers have internet access and the following software available:
(List updated 12/6/23)
The Independent Learning Center (ILC) has 120 computers for use by currently-enrolled students: More information here.
The most important reason the following policy is in place is to ensure that students have a place to do their academic work. Non-compliance may result in privileges being revoked.
These guidelines are based on policies listed in the City College Catalog (2011-2012, p. 39) and on SDCCD Board Policies 6100 (Web Policy) and 0530-2.3 (Use of District Equipment).
Access to Library Resources from Off-Campus Locations
How the login system works:
When you click on a link for a database article, video, or e-book...
Common issues:
Access for students, employees, and guests. Go to the Wifi Page for wifi network (SDCCD Campus Connect) information.