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Making News at The New York Times is the first in-depth portrait of the nation's, if not the world's, premier newspaper in the digital age. It presents a lively chronicle of months spent in the newsroom observing daily conversations, meetings, and journalists at work. We see Page One meetings, articles developed for online and print from start to finish, the creation of ambitious multimedia projects, and the ethical dilemmas posed by social media in the newsroom. Here, the reality of creating news in a 24/7 instant information environment clashes with the storied history of print journalism, and the tensions present a dramatic portrait of news in the online world. This news ethnography brings to bear the overarching value clashes at play in a digital news world. The book argues that emergent news values are reordering the fundamental processes of news production. Immediacy, interactivity, and participation now play a role unlike any time before, creating clashes between old and new.
Writing and Editing for Digital Media, 2nd edition, teaches students how to write effectively for digital spaces whether crafting a story for a website, blogging or using Twitter to cover a breaking news story or event. The lessons and exercises in each chapter help students build a solid understanding of the ways that digital communications have introduced opportunities for dynamic storytelling and multi-directional communication. "Writing and Editing for Digital Media" also addresses the graphical, multimedia, hypertextual and interactive elements that come into play when writing for digital platforms and designing digital spaces. The book teaches students not only to create content, but also to become careful, creative managers of that content. Based on Brian Carroll's extensive experience teaching the course, this revised and updated edition pays particular attention to opportunities presented by the growth of social media and mobile media.
Public relations and journalism have had a difficult relationship for over a century, characterised by mutual dependence and - often - mutual distrust. The two professions have vied with each other for primacy: journalists could open or close the gates, but PR had the stories, the contacts and often the budgets for extravagant campaigns. The arrival of the internet, and especially of social media, has changed much of that. These new technologies have turned the audience into players - who play an important part in making the reputation, and the brand, of everyone from heads of state to new car models vulnerable to viral tweets and social media attacks. Companies, parties and governments are seeking more protection - especially since individuals within these organisations can themselves damage, even destroy, their brand or reputation with an ill-chosen remark or an appearance of arrogance. The pressures, and the possibilities, of the digital age have given public figures and institutions both a necessity to protect themselves, and channels to promote themselves free of news media gatekeepers. Political and corporate communications professionals have become more essential, and more influential within the top echelons of business, politics and other institutions.
This anthology offers the first comprehensive overview of media hype, a phenomenon often dismissed as ephemeral and unimportant. Despite that reputation, media storms actually do play an important role in political issues, scandals, and crises, sometimes creating an important shift in public opinion over the course of only a few hours. This book provides an overview of theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues related to media hype through close explorations of case studies from around the world.
This work establishes a contemporary profile of virtue in professional media practice. Author Patrick Lee Plaisance examines the experiences, perspectives, moral stances, and demographic data of two dozen professional exemplars in journalism and public relations. Plaisance conducted extensive personal "life story" interviews and collected survey data to assess the exemplars' personality traits, ethical ideologies, moral reasoning skills and perceived workplace climate. The chosen professionals span the geographic United States, and include Pulitzer Prize winners and trendsetting PR corporate executives, ranging from rising stars to established veterans. Their thoughts, opinions, and experiences provide readers with an insider's perspective on the thought process of decision makers in media. The unique observations in this volume will be stimulating reading for practitioners, researchers, and students in journalism and public relations. Virtue in Media establishes a key benchmark, and sets an agenda for future research into the moral psychology of media professionals.
News gathering is a large, complicated and often messy task that has traditionally been viewed by journalists as irretrievably idiosyncratic, best learned through trial and error. Advanced Reporting takes the opposite approach, focusing on reporting as a process of triangulation based on three essential activities: analyzing documents, making observations and conducting interviews. In this readable book, veteran journalism professor Miles Maguire shows how the best reporters use these three tools in a way that allows them to cross-check and authenticate facts, to reduce or eliminate unsupportable allegations and to take readers and viewers to a deeper level of insight and understanding. This book will help to prepare students for a profession marked by increasing complexity and competition. To succeed in this environment, journalists must learn to make the most of digital media to intensify the impact of their work. At the same time, reporters must contend with a host of sophisticated public relations techniques while engaging with news audiences that no longer just consume journalism, but also collaborate in its creation. Discussion questions and exercises help students put theory into practice.
The rapid growth of online media has led to new complications in journalism ethics and practice. While traditional ethical principles may not fundamentally change when information is disseminated online, applying them across platforms has become more challenging as new kinds of interactions develop between journalists and audiences. In Ethics for Digital Journalists, Lawrie Zion and David Craig draw together the international expertise and experience of journalists and scholars who have all been part of the process of shaping best practices in digital journalism. Drawing on contemporary events and controversies like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Arab Spring, the authors examine emerging best practices in everything from transparency and verification to aggregation, collaboration, live blogging, tweeting and the challenges of digital narratives. At a time when questions of ethics and practice are challenged and subject to intense debate, this book is designed to provide students and practitioners with the insights and skills to realize their potential as professionals.
News and journalism are in the midst of upheaval: shifts such as declining print subscriptions and rising website visitor numbers are forcing assumptions and practices to be rethought from first principles. The internet is not simply allowing faster, wider distribution of material: digital technology is demanding transformative change. Out of Print analyzes the role and influence of newspapers in the digital age and explains how current theory and practice have to change to fully exploit developing opportunities. In Out of Print George Brock guides readers through the history, present state and future of journalism, highlighting how and why journalism needs to be rethought on a global scale and remade to meet the demands and opportunities of new conditions. He provides a unique examination of every key issue, from the phone-hacking scandal and Leveson Inquiry to the impact of social media on news and expectations. He presents an incisive, authoritative analysis of the role and influence of journalism in the digital age. Online supporting resources for this book include downloadable lecture slides.
(EBSCO) Provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. Full text.
To register for your free pass to the online NYTimes, click HERE. If you created your free account already, click HERE to log in.
(EBSCO) Full-text newspaper articles, television and radio news transcripts.
(EBSCO) Multi-disciplinary database provides articles covering biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion & theology, and other subjects. Some full text. Nearly 6,600 active full-text journals and magazines; nearly 6,000 active full-text peer-reviewed journals.
(EBSCO) Articles on communications and mass media, plus abstracts and author profiles. Some full text.
Here are just a few of the many web sites relevant to Digital Journalism:
Here are some links to some of the journalistic endeavors here at City College:
(Infobase Learning) Streaming video collection of over 38,500 full-length videos and 310,000+ video clips on a variety of subject areas. Captioning available *except* for non-English-language videos and videos without dialogue. Note that recently-added videos may take up to 3 weeks to get captioned.
This is a curated Kanopy playlist of streaming video documentary films, all captioned. New titles are added by faculty request when funds are available. Click a title for access:
The Codes of Gender || Delano Manongs || Life After Life || Olmec Civilization Emerges || Precious Knowledge
Public Performance Rights (outside the classroom)
"Viewing films in a group forum is permitted for most films as long as the viewing is by authorized viewers and it is not for commercial benefit (i.e. no admission costs are charged and no profit is made from the screening). Feel free to contact us and we can confirm if the film is available for a showing to a group forum." Do Kanopy videos include Public Performance Rights?
Streaming video collection of over 290 feature films from major Hollywood studios and other producers, including MGM, Sony, Paramount, LionsGate, United Artists, Miramax and more.
(Alexander Street/PQ) Streaming video collection of 400+ titles, curated for academic audiences. Includes selections from prestigious film festivals plus many OSCAR®-nominated and OSCAR®-shortlisted documentaries. Click the red filter button to sort the catalog.
Streaming video collection of instructional videos created by SDCCD faculty and staff. Contact SDCCD Online Learning Pathways for more information.
Streaming video collection. Contains videos created by instructors and students of the California Community Colleges. Check titles to ensure they are captioned.