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Print, Copy or Scan in the Library

How to use the printers and scanners in the Library

Scanning with KIC Bookeye 5

New in the Library!

The KIC Bookeye 5 is a FREE self-service scanning system using an overhead camera and book cradle to quickly convert bound print materials to digital files. You can export the digital file as a .pdf to an e-mail or to a USB drive. There is no charge to scan.

Where is the KIC Bookeye?

The KIC Bookeye 5 scanner is located near the Circulation Desk, between the print station and the Periodicals & Newspaper racks. 

KIC Bookeye 5 Scanner

How do I use the KIC Bookeye?

STEP 1: Place material in middle of scanner bed. Leave a few inches of space from bottom edge (see red arrow). 

Place document or book on scanner


STEP 2: Select material type (Book, Document, Newspaper, Magazine, etc.).

Select document type images


STEP 3: Select scan type (only SCAN is enabled).

Scan button image


STEP 4: Read copyright notice and select ACCEPT & SCAN to scan right away.

Accept copyright notice image


STEP 5: Export your scan to USB or Email 

  • If USB, insert into drive first to see the selection to save
  • If Email, add recipients, subject and message

Video Tutorials

These video tutorials are for older versions of this machine, but the process is the same for use.

Scan & save to USB:


Scan & send to Email:

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