When using the SDCCD Books+ or an article database, try typing some of these relevant terms into the search box (quotation marks are used to indicate a phrase so the search tool finds the words close together):
Here are just a few of the many e-books relevant to this subject area:
Here are just a few of the many print books relevant to this subject area:
Here are a few databases to try for information in this subject area:
(EBSCO) The Classic UI will be replaced by the New UI after August 1, 2025 .Use this link to simultaneously search the EBSCO databases to which SDCC Library subscribes: Academic Search Complete, Alt HealthWatch, America: History and Life, Business Source Premier, CINAHL Plus, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCO eBook Collection, EBSCO eBook Community College Collections, ERIC, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, GreenFILE, Health Source - Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, History Reference Source, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), MagillOnLiterature Plus, MAS Ultra, MasterFILE Complete, MEDLINE, Military & Government Collection, Newspaper Source Plus, Newswires, Primary Search, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Regional Business News, Science Full Text Select, Vocational and Career Collection.
Here is a sample of videos relevant to this subject area:
Other Films on Demand titles include:
Here are just a few of the many web sites relevant to this subject area: