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Social Justice Online Resources

Key Terms to Try for "White Privilege"

  • Use the SDCCD+ tab on the library homepage
  • In general, search using one or two nouns, combined by AND or OR.
  • Do more than one search, using different words that cover the same concept.
  • If you find too much information, take out a word. If you don't find enough, add one.
  • Use an asterisk (*) to search for variations on a word. For example, searching for student* will bring up records on student and students.
  • For more information, see Develop a topic

There are so many different ways you can take this, so these are only a few examples. Look out for more terms as you search:

  • "White privilege" (the quotes, " " searches for a phrase). If you find nothing, go to the next suggestion.
  • white* AND privilege (the asterisk, *, searches for white, whites).
  • whites AND “race identity” (the quotes, " " searches for a phrase)
  • “race awareness”
  • "Institutional racism"

Selected Ebooks

Selected Articles

From EBSCOhost. These are just a few. Access via the A-Z Databases List.

Massingale, B. N. (2020, June 12). What to do about white privilege: Amy Cooper knew exactly what she was doing. We all do. And that’s the problem. National Catholic Reporter, 56(18), 1–11.

Simson, D. (2019). Whiteness as Innocence. Denver Law Review, 96(3), 635–698.

Adeyemi, T., & Schneider, C. (2019). How Woke Are You? O, The Oprah Magazine, 100

Mowry, M. J. (2017). How White Privilege is Holding Back NH. Business NH Magazine, 34(10), 55.

Calathes, W. (2017). Racial capitalism and punishment philosophy and practices: what really stands in the way of prison abolition. Contemporary Justice Review, 20(4), 442–455.

Kupfer, T. (2018). What’s the Matter with White Liberals? National Review, 70(23), 31

Edwards, J. F. (2017). Color-blind racial attitudes: Microaggressions in the context of racism and White privilege. Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice & Research, 7(1), 5–18.

Bonds, A., & Inwood, J. (2016). Beyond white privilege. Progress in Human Geography, 40(6), 715–733.

Esposito, L., & Romano, V. (2016). Benevolent Racism and the Co-Optation of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Western Journal of Black Studies, 40(3), 161–173

Selected Streaming Video

From Films on Demand. These are just a few. Access via the A-Z Databases List.

Films Media Group. (2014). #Crimingwhilewhite, #alivewhileblack hashtags raise questions about race and white privilege. Films On Demand.

Films Media Group. (2015). Are you racist? Films On Demand.

Films Media Group. (2006). What's race got to do with it? Films On Demand.

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