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Social Justice Online Resources

Key Terms to Try for "Black Lives Matter"

  • Use the SDCCD+ tab on the library homepage
  • In general, search using one or two nouns, combined by AND or OR.
  • Do more than one search, using different words that cover the same concept.
  • If you find too much information, take out a word. If you don't find enough, add one.
  • Use an asterisk (*) to search for variations on a word. For example, searching for student* will bring up records on student and students.
  • For more information, see Develop a topic

There are so many different ways you can take this, so these are only a few examples. Look out for more terms as you search:

  • “Black lives matter movement” (the quotes, “ “ searches for a phrase)
  • “African American” AND activis* (the quotes, “ “ searches for a phrase, and the asterisk, *, searches for any word that starts “activis” so it would pick up activism, activist, activists)
  • “Black power” AND “United States”
  • “African American*” AND demonstration*
  • “African American*” AND protest*
  • “African American*” AND racism
  • black* AND demonstration*
  • black* AND protest*
  • black* AND racism
  • “African American*” AND “social networks”
  • “African American*” AND “social aspects”
  • black* AND “social networks”
  • “African American*” AND police
  • “African American*” AND “political campgains”
  • “Civil Rights”
  • “African American*” AND “Donald Trump”
  • “African American*” AND “Trump, Donald J.”

Selected Articles

From EBSCOhost. These are just a few. Access via the A-Z Databases List.


Grose, T. K. (2020). View From the U.K.: Trump Is Worsening Social Unrest. U.S. News & World Report - The Report, C13–C14

Prall, D. (2020). DC mayor commissions ‘Black Lives Matter’ mural on street leading to White House, BLM organizers not impressed by ‘performative’ gesture. American City & County Exclusive Insight, N.PAG.

Dennis, A., Aradillas, E., Baker, K. C., Herbst, D., Kantor, W. G., Keating, S. K., Pelisek, C., & Truesdell, J. (2020). Anguish in America: A Nation Torn Apart. (Cover story). People, 93(24), 34–45.

Altman, A., Abramson, A., Bennett, B., Berenson, T., Bergengruen, V., Elliott, P., Villa, L., Aguilera, J., Alter, C., Bates, J., Moakley, P., & Waxman, O. B. (2020). The President, the Protesters and the Plague of Police Violence. TIME Magazine, 195(22), 30–33.

Lee Frost, A., & Colón, S. (2015). Black Protests Matter. New Politics, 15(3), 17.

Activism Websites

UCSD's list of organizations:  This lists local and national organizations and encourages us all to get involved.

Thanks to Mesa College Library for sharing the list below.

Books to read online - Don't neglect print books once we get back to campus. Not everything is electronic

E-Books from our Databases

From our database page, scroll down to Gale e-Books and you will be able to search many quality encyclopedias all at once or individually including but NOT LIMITED TO

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America
  • Encylopedia of Black Studies
  • African AMerican Almanac
  • Encyclopedia of Race Ethnicity and Society
  • Dictionary of American History

E-Books from our Library catalog

To search for e-books in City College Library Catalog, start on our home page.

  • Click Advanced Search
  • Click SDCCD Books+
  • Type in your search term(s) like alcoholism
  • Press SEARCH
  • Now Refine your Search Results appears in the left column
  • Click on Available Online


  • Do NOT refine your search by clicking on City College.  This seems to omit many books to which you have access
  • FYI your username is your 10 digit ID number and your password is your last name.
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