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This guide features resources for conducting research on topics related to the Humanities

About This Guide

This guide is intended for City College students, staff, and faculty interested in researching and exploring Humanities. This guide will feature library and internet resources (both print and electronic) recommended for Humanities, as well as research strategies. 

Note: Humanities at San Diego City College is an interdisciplinary field of study, meaning students in this field will learn about art, history, philosophy, and literature. For additional resources on those subjects, please see our full list of Research Guides. 

This guide will be a work in progress. If there are any suggestions, please email Marley Rodriguez. 

Venus de Milo, at the Louvre

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Humanities at San Diego City College

"Humanities surveys our human legacy from the late Paleolithic to current times. Students engage in global cultures as they survey history, art, architecture literature, music, drama and philosophy. Students compare their own cultural history in the context of global understanding.  Other HUMA courses such as World Religions, The New Testament, Mythology and Hero's Journey also fulfill general education requirements, and introduce students to many disciplines within the liberal arts."

To learn more about Humanities at City College, visit their webpage