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One Book One San Diego

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Book From Catalog

Find Circulating Materials in the Library Catalog

The Circulating Collection is on the third floor. Circulating means you can check out the books.

Use the search box to find print and electronic books. (You are searching all three SDCCD libraries, not just City.)


Can't find it here? Try another library.

  • San Diego Public Library cardholders can borrow from their branches and some local universities (Interlibrary Loan).
  • San Diego COUNTY Public Library cardholders can borrow from their branches, local universities and state-wide via The Circuit and via Link+ (Requesting library materials).
  • Both the city and the county public library systems offer free library cards for California residents,

Find Articles by Topic

Here are some suggested databases (article collections) that you can search using keywords or terms for your topic.

Complete list of our databases.

If you are off-campus, you will need to type in your CSID number and last name.

Key Terms to Try

  • In general, search using one or two nouns, combined by AND or OR.
  • Do more than one search, using different words that cover the same concept.
  • If you find too much information, take out a word. If you don't find enough, add one.
  • Use an asterisk (*) to search for variations on a word. For example, searching for student* will bring up records on student and students.
  • For more information, see Develop a topic

These are only a few examples of terms found in the library catalog:

When searching article databases, in general, use more specific terms.

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